Author’s Note and Ebook

Ebook: pdf and epub

Dear Readers,

Spring is a fanfiction dedicated to a character very near and dear to our hearts, Chilbongie. Unfortunately Chilbongie did not have a complete story in the drama. I was disappointed that my favorite character was ignored. I wanted to see him happy and loved. If the drama wasn’t going to show it then perhaps this fanfiction can.

I started his story in Nostalgia after encouragement from my Cider shipmates. I just wanted to provide some closure and patch up plot holes. I thought one fanfiction would be enough.

Over time, I fell in love with our fanon character Ji Won. Many readers became interested in her too. How did she and Joon meet? How did they fall in love?

I wondered about those things as well. A girl like her needs to be special to capture his heart. This inspired me to write Spring which was supposed to be three to four chapters at most. However my co-writer tiacosas and I plotplot quite extensively. Once we started our ideas ran wild!

For me, Spring was an amazing experience filled with moments of frustration, confusion, happiness, joy, and exhaustion. This story sparked a close friendship with my Plucky PD-nim, tiacosas. When I was frustrated with real life I thought of Joon and Ji Won. They were my happy pill and stress reliever.

Although Spring is over, Joon and Ji Won live forever in my heart. They are my ultimate dream OTP. Their relationship and individual journeys make me smile. A couple that was truly meant for each other. I know they will be happy together forever. Finally drama Seon Joon has a story of his own with Ji Won who loves him and accepts him without reservations.

Thank you for reading Spring. tiacosas and I would appreciate your support. Just like Danny always says “Remember life is an adventure and don’t forget to grab it by the reins to fully enjoy it.” Take risks, explore new things, meet new people, reach for your dreams. There are no endings, only new beginnings.

Take care,

Maria (mario_kam)

Updates: Epilogue and Ebook

Hi readers,

Sorry for the delay in releasing the epilogue. I am finishing up the draft of the epilogue. Our last update will include the epilogue and Ebook! Thank you for sticking with the story for so long and dealing with the sporadic updates. It’s not easy to write sometimes and real life is always a hassle.

See you soon 🙂


Spring Chapter 12 Announcement

Hello Readers!

I’m sorry for the late updates. Real life interferes with fanfiction writing. I just wanted to let you know that Spring Chapter 12 is coming out during the end of this month. I am almost done with the draft. It’s quite a monster in page length. It keeps growing! Most likely this chapter will be the longest chapter of the entire story. It’s also the last chapter of the story. There is a final epilogue that will conclude the story. As our story comes to an end I would like to thank each of you for checking out the story. I know we have many silent readers. I’m just happy that our story is entertaining and many people enjoy it. After this story is complete there will be an e-book version that will be available to download.

Thank you once again for your support,


P.S. The last chapter has a wedding, family moments, fanservice, cuteness, mindless fluff, and of course OTP shenanigans.